Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Boyfriend Dumped Me - Picking Myself Back Up

Getting Over Being Dumped
The ending of a relationship is one of life’s most devastating events. It’s difficult whether you were the one who did the dumping or the one who was dumped.
“I don’t want to keep living” or “my life is over;” my boyfriend dumped me. Even though you may think so right now, being dumped isn’t the end of the world. Even though it hurts, it isn’t going to kill you. You can and will get over this.
This process will require some work, some help, some changing the way you think, and some time. Hold on to the thought that even though you are very upset now that” my boyfriend dumped me” doesn’t mean that your life is over. You still have a future before you and the thing to do now is get ready for it!
The first step in “picking myself back up” is accepting that getting over “my boyfriend dumped me” isn’t going to be easy, but the good news is it’s possible. At this point you can pick yourself up, dust off and move on or you can remain stuck in the pit wallowing in your own misery. The choice is yours. To climb out of the pit takes effort, but the results of the effort make it worthwhile.
The second step you need to take is If you need help, ask for it. But be careful who you ask. If you are suffering depression from the breakup, please seek professional help. This doesn’t mean that you are crazy. Depression is a problem that many people struggle with. Don’t worry about others judging you. The ones who don’t seek help are the ones who possibly will have long lasting problems.

You may have good friends or family who can help you deal with the hurt that “my boyfriend dumped me” is causing. Just remember that these people too have issues they are dealing with-hopefully not as severe as yours at this time- and be careful not to lay too much on them. If you truly trust these people and ask for their advice, then follow it.
What family and friends say will probably not always be what you want to hear, but if you continue to complain to them and then don’t follow the advice they offer they will reach the point where they either cut you out of their lives or at least seriously consider doing so. You don’t want to be the one whose name comes up on caller i.d. and they think ‘oh, no, not her again.”
The third step to take is to change the way you look at the situation.
Try to look at the breakup from a different perspective. While you may be seeing this as the end of the world, it may actually be the beginning of a whole, new better life for you. Think about your good qualities and what you have to offer someone.
There will be someone out there who will appreciate you and give you the love you want. Just be patient as you wait for them to come along.
While you are waiting do something to improve yourself. Do something that you have wanted to do for a long time. This can be anything from starting a new hobby to pursing a degree in a subject you find interesting. Volunteering in your community is always a way to get out of yourself and help others at the same time. Find some way to use the time and negative energy you have to have a positive outcome.

I’m in no way suggesting that getting through this is going to be easy and pain free. What I am saying is that you can get through it and come out a much happier person than you were before.
Once you have that happiness within you, you will be ready to meet that person you dream of. As crazy as it may sound to you now, you will look back on this time when everything seems so hopeless because “my boyfriend dumped me” and realize that he was not your soul mate and that what was once thought of as the worst event in your life was really one of the best. Keep working on the “picking myself back up program. For more…

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